Saturday, 26 October 2013

You deserve an exceptional life

As parents, we only want the best for our children and we wish we could project our wisdom and life experience into your minds to help you avoid the mistakes and mishaps that we experienced growing up.
In this new world we currently find ourselves in, you will be inundated with advice from adults and schools encouraging you to chase your dreams and believe in yourself blah blah blah......and we as adults have to be mindful of not forcing you into doing the opposite. It IS a fine line.
So for what its worth, I have had a lifetime of proof that it is possible to create a better world for yourself and it is through believing that you deserve an exceptional life and are prepared to do whatever it takes to give yourself that life that you will set yourself apart from the rest.

This video summarises everything we should know to focus and create our dream. It delivers most scenarios that could possibly crop up. All the barriers and resistance, mistakes and the realisation that others will let you down. DON"T let these STOP you from creating the life that you want. Even if it takes years rather than months. Just remember - You deserve it?

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Give yourself a moment

Mooloolaba Beach, Sunshine Coast QLD

I recently took a couple of hours out of my busy schedule to stop and grab a coffee at the beach. It was a magnificent spring day. Whilst I was sitting on the rock wall I noticed what looked like rocks just past the breakers with waves gently breaking over the top. That was until these rocks started putting on a performance.  To my absolute delight it turned out to be a mother and calf whale. I was so excited and immediately felt enormous gratitude for this fantastic moment. I must of looked like such a goose laughing to myself and wanted to shout out to the whole beach about the whales. AND then I noticed! No-one else was stopping to notice this magical moment. There were people exercising and others making their way to work and everyone looked so focused just wanting to get from A to B. Some of them obviously noticed me and stopped to see what attracted my attention but still seemed to take the experience for granted. What happened to US?
Sadly, I am guilty of exactly the same thing. I even argued with myself about taking the time out as there were so many other things I could have been doing.  We get so caught up in life that we deprive ourselves of creating these memorable moments which I will now always remember.

I gave myself that time and I am so thankful I did.  You should to... :)

  • Stop and ALLOW yourself time to FEEL these windows of happiness.
  • Never take these moments for granted. They are given to us to help make a difference to our day
  • Appreciate and be GRATEFUL. It is so worth it